Why Yes!Halal?
Looking for a real Halal food in Korea? You can find it from Yes!Halal.
Do you know that most of Halal products distributed in Korea are fake Halal or not properly Halal certified product? Yes!Halal is the first online Halal food distribution company in Korea which is cofounded by a Seoul National University Agricultural Science specialist and Malaysian Muslims. All process in Yes!Halal is managed by Muslims ourselves, and therefore, the Halal food in Yes!Halal is trustable. Yes!Halal promise to provide the clean and hygienic Halal food in Korea.

What is the halal mark and Islam association on the Korean halal meat products?
There are so many Islam-related ‘associations’ organized by the fake halal product sellers by abusing the imperfection of Korean law on the establishment of association. According to Korean Law, you can make an ‘association’ easily if you simply satisfy the number of members and some regulations. Korean companies make the Islam-related ‘associations’ by themselves and give the ‘Halal certification mark’ on their products by themselves. If they were caught by Police, they just simply change the name of ‘association’ and do their business again.

All Halal Beef & Lamb from Australia&New Zealand is safe from Halal issue?
Not every beef & lamb from Australia&New Zealand is Halal. Moreover, many Korean companies are selling general beef & lamb in the wrapping paper marked with Halal beef & lamb from Australia & New Zealand. Sometimes, they even mix the general beef & lamb with halal beef & lamb.