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Fake Halal Products in Korea

Fake Halal Logo News (MBN)

MBN, one of the famous Korean News Channel, announced that Korean Police Agency caught one chicken company located in Chungju selling the chicken with the fake halal logo. They also owned noodle company located in Gimpo and have sold the noodle with the fake halal logo.

제목 : 가짜 ‘할랄’ 인증 받아 사원 유통

Title: Products with fake ‘halal’ certification has been distributed to mosques in Korea


【 앵커멘트 】

[Anchor’s opening]


먹는 것으로 거짓말을 하는 대상에 대해선, 국경도 종교도 없는 것 같습니다.

It seems like that nation and religion doesn’t matter for the liars who deal with foods.


이슬람교를 믿는 모슬렘들이 먹는 음식을 이른바 할랄음식이 일반음식보다 조금 더 비싸다는 점을 노려서 가짜 할랄음식 인증마크를 부착해 이슬람사원에 판매한 일당이 적발됐습니다.

One food-selling group, that had been trying to derive unfair benefit from the price difference between halal foods and non-halal foods, was arrested for selling the food with fake halal certification logo to Islam mosques.


김수형 기자입니다.
Kim Soo-Hyung reports.

충북 충주의 한 무허가 냉동창고.
One unlicensed cold warehouse located in Chungju.

박스 안에 들어 있는 냉동 닭고기에 모슬렘이 먹는 음식에 부착되는 '할랄인증마크'가 있습니다

You can see the ‘halal certification logo’ on the frozen chicken inside the box.

'할랄'은 허용된다는 의미로, 할랄인증 마크는 오리나 닭을 도살하거나 가공식품을 처리하기 전에 코란의 기도문을 외우는 등 제조과정이 까다로워 보통 가격이 1.5~2배 비쌉니다.

‘Halal’ means ‘Permitted’ in Arabic. Halal products are usually 1.5~2 times expensive than general products because the manufacturing process includes complicated procedures such as chanting a Quran prayer before slaughtering chicken or duck.

이런 틈을 이용해 할랄음식이 아닌데도 가짜 할랄 인증마크를 부착해 1년 넘게 이슬람사원 등에 1억4천만 원 상당을 판매한 일당 6명이 경찰에 적발됐습니다.

6 people, who had been trying to derive unfair benefit from this price difference between halal food and non-halal food, were arrested by police for selling KRW140 million amount of non-halal foods with fake halal certification logo to Islam mosques for more than 1 year.

이들은 무허가 축산업체를 운영하며 냉동 닭과 오리에 가짜 할랄 인증마크를 부착하고, 라면업체를 운영하며 라면에도 가짜 마크를 넣었습니다.

They have been running an unlicensed livestock company and attached the fake halal logo to frozen chicken and duck. They also have been running a noodle soup company and attached the fake halal logo to the noodle soup.

▶ 인터뷰 : 정일선 / 부산지방경찰청 관광경찰대 수사계장
Interview : Jeong Il Sun / Detective, Tourist Police Constabulary, Busan Police Agency


"마크만 보고도 100% 이것은 신이 허용한 음식이라고 믿고 구입을 하는 그런 맹점을 이용한 거지요."

“They have made bad use of weak point that halal logos on the products make Muslims easily believe that the products are 100% permitted by Allah and purchase the products.”

이 사실을 접한 모슬렘들은 충격에 빠졌습니다.

Muslims who got this news were all got into a panic.

▶ 인터뷰(☎) : 이동하 / 한국이슬람교 부산지회장

Interview (phone call): Lee Dong Ha / Chairman of Korea Muslim Federation Busan Branch

"사기당했다 이렇게 볼 수 있는 부분이죠. (모슬렘들이) 상당히 경악스러워하고…."

“Muslims have been swindled. (Muslims are) shocked”

국내에 살거나 방문하는 모슬렘은 100만 여명으로 점차 늘어나는 추세여서 경찰은 앞으로 단속을 더욱 강화한다는 방침입니다.

The population of Muslims who live in or visit Korea are about 1 million and are increasing gradually. Therefore, police announced that they are going to strengthen the investigation against the fake halal products.

MBN뉴스 김수형입니다.

This is Kim Soo Hyung in MBN News.

Fake Halal Logo News (KNN)

KNN, one of Korean news channel, announced that fake halal companies located in Incheon and Ansan are caught by Korean Police Agency.

제목: 할랄 음식도 짝퉁시대

Title: Halal food comes into Fake


앵커: 최근 이슬람권 인구가 늘면서 할랄이란 음식이 주목받고 있습니다.

Recently, the halal foods has gained attention because of the increase of Muslim population in Korea.

그런데 이 틈을 노려 가짜 할랄 식품을 유통한 업체들이 적발됐는데요.

However, some food-selling groups, that have been trying to derive unfair benefit by misusing people’s attention, were arrested for selling the fake foods.

국제적으로 나라 망신이 되지 않을까 우려됩니다.

I am worried that this incident may cause Korea’s international disgrace.

김상진 기자가 보도합니다.

Kim Sang Jin reports.

{가짜 할랄 가공업체 적발현장/지난 달,인천}

(Fake halal food processing company/ last month, Incheon)

인천의 한 육류 가공업체입니다.

This is one meat processing company located in Incheon.

포장작업이 한창 진행되고 있는데, 할랄이라는 글씨가 선명합니다.

Packaging process is progressing. You can see the clear halal logo on the product.

{할랄(Halal)식품:무슬림이 먹을 수 있는 제품의 총칭}

(Halal Food: generic term of food that is edible for Muslim)

할랄이라고 표시된 이 육류들은 엄격한 신앙생활을 하는 이슬람 신자들에게 유통됩니다.

These meat with the halal logo are distributed to Islam believers in Korea who follow the strict Islamic regulation.

그러나 이 업체에서 생산된 제품은 모두 가짜 할랄식품으로 일반 육류를 포장만 바꾸어 유통시켰습니다.

However, the products made by this company are all fake halal foods. They have just changed the general wrapping paper into the halal logo marked wrapping paper and distributed these products to the market.

무슬림에게는 금기로 되어 있는 돼지고기를 함께 가공하기도 했습니다.

They have even processed the products with pig together, which is forbidden for Muslims.

{"지금 뭐 만드는 거에요? 뭐 만드는 거에요? 이게 뭐에요? 이게. 이게. 이게 뭐에요?" "돼지껍데기요" "돼지껍데기?"}

(“What are you making now? What are you making now? What is this? This one. This one. What is this?” “This is Pork Rinds (Korean food made with pig skin)” “Pork Rinds?”)

{적발된 또 다른 공장/지난 달, 경기도 안산}

(Another caught company/Last month, Ansan Kyunggi-do)

경기도 안산의 한 업체도 무늬만 할랄 식품을 만들었는데 2개 업체가 모두 36억원어치를 유통시켰습니다.

Another company located in Ansan also has manufactured fake halal foods. These two companies have distributed KRW 3.6 billion amount of products to the market.

{적발된 2개업체/가짜 할랄음식 36억원 상당 유통}

(2 caught companies/Distributed KRW 3.6 billion amount of fake halal foods to the market)

가짜 할랄 음식이 나도는 이유는 일반 육류보다 가격이 2배로, 폭리를 취할 수 있기 때문입니다.

The reason why the fake halal foods are distributed is because the price of halal food is twice expensive than general food.

특히 국내 체류 이슬람 신도가 20만명 가까이 늘어나면서, 시장이 빠르게 커지고 있는 것을 노렸습니다.

They made bad use of the fact that the population of Muslims in Korea reaches almost 200,000 and the Muslim-related market is growing rapidly.

{이진하/부산 영도경찰서 지능팀장/"향후 우리 기업들이 해외 할랄푸드 시장에 본격적으로 뛰어들때 우리나라에서 유통되는 할랄푸드가 가짜라는 인식이 들면 국가 신임도가 떨어질 우려가 높아 단속을 한 것입니다."}

(Lee Jin Ha/Intellectual Crime Team Leader, Busan Yeongdo Police Agency/ “We executed this investigation on fake halal foods in order to prevent the downgrading of national credit due to the bad reputation of halal foods in domestic market which can adversely affect Korean companies’ business for the overseas halal foods market in the future.

{영상편집 김윤여/화면제공:부산 영도경찰서}

(Video Edited by Kim Yoon Yeo/Video provided by Busan Yeongdo Police Agency)

경찰은 업체 대표 2명을 입건하고 할랄식품에 대한 법적 기준을 보완할 것을 건의하기로 했습니다.
The representatives of these two companies are arrested by the police. The Police vowed to take action to make proposal for strengthen the legal standard for the halal foods.

KNN 김상진입니다.

This is Kim Sang Jin in KNN News.

Fake Halal Food News (KBS)

KBS, Korean national broadcasting company, accused the fake halal food companies caught by police. KBS announced that there is practically no halal meat supplier in Korea.

제목: 돼지고기가 ‘할랄 식품’?…엉터리 제조 ‘수두룩’

Title: Pork can be a ‘halal food’?... Fake halal products ‘everywhere”


<앵커 멘트>

<Anchor’s opening>

정부가 이슬람 시장을 겨냥해 '할랄' 인증 식품산업 육성에 나서고 있는데요.

Korean government makes effort to promote ‘Halal’ certified food industry aiming at Islam market.

기준에 맞지 않는 엉터리 할랄식품 제조업자들이 잇따라 적발돼서 정부의 의지를 무색케 하고 있습니다.

However, fake halal food manufacturers are caught successively and these incidents make Korean government feel ashamed.

신지혜 기자가 취재했습니다.

Shin Ji-Hye reports.


식품 포장지에 이슬람식으로 만들었다는 뜻인 '할랄' 표기가 선명합니다.

You can see ‘Halal’ mark on wrapping paper.

하지만 엉터리였습니다.

However, the mark is fake.

<녹취> "돼지를 여기 같이 놔 두고 있네, 지금."

<Record> “Pork are together with the products? Here”

이 업체는 일반 고기를 가공한 뒤 '할랄'로 속여 수십억 원어치를 판 혐의로 경찰에 적발됐습니다.

This company is arrested by Police for disguising general raw meat as halal meat and selling KRW billions amount of meat.

<녹취> 식품업체 관계자 (음성변조) : "원육 자체를 국내산 소고기랑 할랄 소고기랑 섞어서 썼는데, 섞어서 쓰는 자체가 안 된다는 거죠. 모르셨어요?” “몰랐죠."

<Record> the employee of Food Company: “You mixed halal beef and general beef, but, this is not allowed for making halal meat. Don’t you know this?” “I didn’t know that.”

지난해 대구에선, 무슬림은 절대 먹지 않는 돼지고기에 할랄 표기를 한 업자가 잡히기도 했습니다.

Last year, one food manufacturer who attached halal logo on pork, which Muslim never eat, were caught in Daegu.

'할랄' 식품을 생산하려면 이슬람교단이나 국내외 관련기관의 인증을 받아야 합니다.

For manufacturing ‘halal’ food, the company must be certified by Islam religious body or domestic/international halal certificate authority.

돼지고기 등은 절대 사용할 수 없고, 엄격한 위생 기준을 통과해야 합니다.

Pork is not allowed for making halal food and the food must pass the strict hygienic standard.

이 때문에 수출업체를 제외하곤, 국내에 할랄 인증을 받은 업체는 거의 없어, 엉터리 '할랄' 식품들이 버젓이 유통되고 있습니다.

For this reason, there is almost no halal certified company in Korea except the export company and fake ‘halal’ food is openly distributed in the market.

<녹취> 식품업체 관계자(음성변조) : "거의 다 외국인이니까, 그 사람들은 이 마크만 보고 사먹는 거지. 우리가 처음에 (할랄이) 뭔지나 알았겠어요?"

<Record> Employee of Food Company(Voice Modulation) : “Because almost every customer is foreigner, they simply trust this halal mark and buy it. We even didn’t know the meaning (of halal) in the beginning.”

식품위생법이 할랄 인증 표기를 인정하지 않고 있어서 이슬람권 외국인들은 한국에는 사실상 할랄 음식이 없는 것으로 인식하고 있습니다.

It is not allowed to use halal mark on food in Korea according to Korean Food Sanitation Law. So, Foreign Muslims think that there is practically no halal food in Korea.

<인터뷰> 아쉬라프(무슬림) : "아예 올 때 음식 재료를 사 갖고 오거나...할랄 음식이 없기 때문에 많은 사람들이 (한국 음식을) 먹고 싶어도 못 먹는 거죠."

<Interview> Ashraf(Muslim) : “We bring food ingredient from our country… Many people do not eat (Korean food) even though they want to, because there is no halal food in Korea.

최근 정부가 할랄 산업 육성 의지를 밝혔지만, 국내 할랄 산업은 아직 법적 기반도 마련돼 있지 않은 상황입니다.

Recently, Korean government showed intention to promote halal industry. However, even legislative requirements is not prepared for domestic halal industry, yet.

KBS 뉴스 신지혜입니다.

This is Shin Ji-Hye in KBS news.

Fake Halal Logo News (TV Chosun)

TV Chosun, one of the famous Korean news channel, announced that Korean Police Agency caught one Korean halal chicken company selling the non-halal chicken with fake halal logo.

Title : Companies that distributed fake halal foods were caught


네, 3488 동서남북 시간입니다.

We are now in 3488 Today time.


먼저 부산입니다.

Let’s start from Busan.


일반 생고기를 이슬람 음식인 할랄푸드로 둔갑시켜 팔아온 이들이 붙잡혔습니다.

A group of people who had disguised general raw meats as halal foods were caught.


창고 내에 쌓인 냉동 육류. 할랄 식품 인증마크가 붙어있는데, 모두 가짜입니다.

You can see the halal certification logo on frozen meats stacked inside the warehouse. However, those are all fake halal meat.


 이번에 적발된 업체 두 곳은 일반 쇠고기나 닭고기를 구입해 포장지만 '할랄'로 바꾼 뒤, 지난 5년 동안 36억여 원어치를 전국 이슬람 사원과 전문 음식점 등에 판매해온 혐의를 받고 있습니다. 

Two companies caught in this investigation have purchased general chicken and beef and simply changed the wrapping paper into the halal logo marked wrapping paper. They are suspected of selling KRW3.6 billion amount of meats to mosques and restaurants nationwide for 5years.

Fake Halal Logo News (TV Chosun)

TV Chosun, one of the famous Korean news channel, accused the Korean restaurants with the fake halal logo.

제목: 서울 관광 식당의 민낯 '가짜 인증에 바가지까지'

Title: The truth of restaurants in Seoul. ‘Fake halal certification and even unreasonable price’


외국인 관광객이 몰리는 서울의 식당들이 엉망진창입니다.

Restaurants in Seoul where many foreign tourists visit are in a mess.


가짜 할랄 식당이 있는가 하면, 바가지 상술까지 판을 치고 있습니다.

Restaurants with fake halal certification is running, and even gyp is prevalent.


 당장 다음달에 싱가포르와 중국에서 9천 명이 온다는데 한번 왔다가 다시는 안 오는 게 아닌지 걱정입니다.

It is expected that 9,000 of tourists will visit Korea next month. I am afraid they will never visit Korea again.


성민혁 기자입니다.

Sung Minhyuk reports.


무슬림 관광객들이 찾은 식당.

One restaurant where Muslims are visiting.


할랄 인증 식당이라면서 버젓이 술을 팝니다.

They called themselves ‘halal certified restaurant’, but they are selling alcohol.


이 식당은 무슬림들이 먹을 수 있는 음식을 취급한다며 할랄 마크를 내세웠지만, 실상은 일반 음식점이었습니다.

They explained that they are selling halal food and hang up a halal mark outside of restaurant, but they are just a general restaurant.


식재료 분리 같은 원칙은 안중에도 없습니다.

They don’t care about the rule of food ingredient separation.


(할랄 식당 종업원)

(Employee of halal restaurant)


이 사람들이 먹는 거 별거 없어요. 다 한국 사람들이 먹는 거예요.

The food for the Muslim is not so special. The food for the Muslim is just as same as the food for the Korean.


알고 보니 이 인증 업소입니다.

It transpired that interviewed employee belongs to this restaurant.


무하메드 파이즐/싱가포르인 관광객

Muhammad Faizal/Tourist from Singapore


“이건 진짜 할랄이 아니에요. 할랄 식당으로 불리려면 진짜 이슬람 방식을 따랐으면.”

“I think that it is not real halal. I think it will be best if they actually follow the Islamic regulation for wanting to call themselves halal restaurant.”

Fake Halal Logo News (YTN)

YTN, one the famous news channel in Korea, announced that Korean Police Agency caught a chicken supplier who have provided non-halal chicken with fake halal logo.

부산지방경찰청은 가짜 '할랄 식품'을 만들어 판매한 혐의로 62살 이 모 씨 등 6명을 붙잡아 조사하고 있습니다.

6 people including Lee (62 year’s old) have been arrested and investigated by Busan Police Agency for the charges of manufacturing and selling fake halal foods.

이 씨 등은 육류와 라면 제품 1억4천만 원어치에 가짜 할랄인증 표시를 부착하고 전국 이슬람 성원과 외국인 밀집지역 마트에 공급한 혐의를 받고 있습니다.

Lee has attached the fake halal certification logo to KRW140million amount of meats and noodle soup and distributed these products to Islam mosques and marts in foreign residential districts.


할랄은 아랍어로 '허용되다'라는 뜻으로 이슬람교 가르침에 따라 제조돼 이슬람교도가 먹고 쓸 수 있도록 허용된 제품에 붙이는 인증입니다.

Halal means ‘permitted’ in Arabic. Halal certification logo is attached to the food which is prepared according to the Islamic commandment for Muslim.

Fake Halal Logo News (Korea Joongang Daily)

Korea JoongAng Daily, one of the famous Korean English newspaper, announced about the fake halal food in Korea. Korean Police Agency said that six people have been charged for their alleged involvement in the mass sale of fake halal food that appears to have affected Muslims nationwide.

Fake Halal Food News (Kyunghyang)

Kyunghyang Newspaper, one of the famous newspaper in Korea, says about the fake halal chicken in Korea. Korean Police Agency announced that there is practically no 'made in Korea' halal meat in Korea.

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