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Yes!Halal is an "open mart" for Muslims in Korea. Everybody can sell Halal product through Yes!Halal's homepage. This product is Yes!Halal's partner

"Cita Rasa Indonesia"'s Product.

Payment & Delivery condition is separated from Yes!Halal.


Seller : Cita Rasa Indonesia

Product: Maicih-Batagor Kuah (Original Level 5)

Country Origin: Indonesia

Net Weight: 50gr

Halal Certified: MUI

Ingredients : Dumplings, Tofu, Mackarel fish, Fried onions, Spices, Vegetable oil, Celery and Chili Powder

Order Method : For making order, contact Cita Rasa Indonesia's phone(010-2188-0492) directly.

Maicih-Batagor Kuah (Original Level 5) - 5,500won

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