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Product Name: Halal Pempek (Indonesian Fishcake with Sweet Sauce)

Provider : Fajar from Indonesia

Weight: 500 gram + Cuko (pempek sauce)

- It's cooked (steamed)
- Need to be fried before serving

- Fish, Tapioca flour, Pepper, Salt


Pempek :
Pempek terbuat dari daging ikan yang digiling halus dicampur dengan tepung tapioka. Dalam penyajiannya, pempek di hidangkan dengan cuko (saus berwarna hitam kecoklatan) dengan komposisi utama gula merah, cabe rawit, bawang putih dan garam. Cocok dihidangkan untuk acara keluarga atau pertemuan.



Coupang :

Halal Pempek/Indonesian Fishcake with Sweet Sauce (Indonesia, 500g)

  • This Siomay is 100% Handmade by a muslim who lives in Korea. By using high-quality ingredients, it makes you experience the authentic taste of your home country. As it is handmade product, it doesn't contain any artificial ingredients which harm your health, and contain only high-quality natural ingredients such as Halal meat and natural spice.  

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